We provide personal income tax preparation and e-filing services for virtually all possible scenarios. As part of our personal income tax preparation, we offer same or next day refunds for qualified clients. We have extensive knowledge of RRSPs and TFSAs and can provide individualized tax minimization solutions.

Our personal income tax services include the following:

  • Self-Employed, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership
  • Owner-operator truck drivers
  • Seniors on Canadian and/or Foreign Pensions
  • Salaried and commissioned employees with deductible expenses
  • New immigrants, refugees, emigrants and non-residents
  • Rental Income, Capital Gains and various investment incomes
  • Tips, babysitting, odd jobs and other related incomes
  • Clergy with residential deductions
  • Foreign Income
  • Social assistance, Disability and other Government assistance programs
  • Returns for deceased persons
  • Whether you are single, married, separated, divorced or widowed
  • And more